Postgraduate Training


While on the vascular service, residents attend on average four OR days and one clinic day per week. Clinics are staff-run with assistance of residents.

Vascular call is home call, and is covered by residents currently on the vascular service. Maximum call requirement is 1 in 3 (up to 9 per four week block).

Weekly teaching rounds are held on Wednesday mornings (7-8AM) for residents to review interesting cases and to practice oral exam skills.

Joint vascular and IR rounds are held on Thursday mornings from 7-8AM.

Journal club is held quarterly, and residents are assigned articles for presentation.

Rotation Schedule

Current 2021-2022 residents

Senior Trainee Volume


Occlusive disease

25 femoral-tibial bypasses

20 femoral-popliteal bypasses

18 aorto-bifemoral bypasses

10 femoral-femoral bypasses

2 axillo-bifemoral bypasses

32 CFA endarterectomies

Aneurysmal disease

57 EVAR (5 ruptures)

8 open TAAA/DTA

40 open AAA (2 ruptures)

3 carotid body tumors

21 carotid endarterectomies

10 carotid subclavian bypasses


1 Total endovascular arch repair